Thursday, September 20, 2007

Moon cake delivery

Manged to do quite alot of productive tings today!

Clean my drawer and cupboard
Clean my "hearty cupboard" - where i kept all e stuff darl gave mi
Clarify my ibanking stuff wit e bank
Made a new ez link card cuz it was damaged by mi! :(

Headed to NYP!

Waited for darl at e room beside e call centre. He's queuing for his snowskin mooncakes. Hee!

We cabbed back to my hse to unload half of the mooncakes! There were a total of 4 big bags and believe or not its super heavy. 14 boxes altogether!

After unloading lots of mooncake at my hse,

- headed to CP to meet Kt to go to denise's place
- went back to CP to meet roan for dinner & pass her mooncake

It was a filling dinner we had at mac!
Stuffing lots of heaty food into our mouths

Lots of mooncake still at my house.
Delivery wit darl was always fun.

Meh mEh =)