Monday, March 31, 2008

Recent Updates

HEYO! i know u all miss us rite? here are some recent updates...

started work at BDP International on 25.03.08 tgt with sharon
jus had the BEST ultimate durian puffs from emicakes with darl 2 hrs ago
applying sim bach of biz(econs & finance) - jan intake
darl stil has a month of attachment work to go at datapulse before he starts school
applying to get my $200 claim from ida
darl mus rem ur planned route for tis sunday!
+*"*+.-=x[ * [ K . E . N ] * ]x=-.+*"*+. SiMpLe Boi just sent you a Nudge! says:
take 72 to tamp
.+*"*+.-=x[ * [ K . E . N ] * ]x=-.+*"*+. SiMpLe Boi just sent you a Nudge! says:
den change 38 to simei

meet ups with nize, yan & wg soon
meet ups with THIRTEEN soon
mus plan to meetup roan, xh & xueyi

i misses all my friends! Schooling life will always be the best part of life! or maybe retirement??

hope everyone out there is doing good! take care folks! :D